Michelle's Crazy World

Welcome to my crazy life as a Lover, Mother, and Friend of my huge family.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Andrew Turns 12

Andrew Turns 12 years old this Sunday. He is going to be a Deacon and pass the sacrament in church. I can't believe he is that old. It seems like yesterday he was just born. Time sure flies by fast when they are growing up. I wish I could just freeze him and he could be my baby forever.


Kristen said...

How cool that you get to have 2 priesthood holders in your home! Happy Birthday Drew(I love that name!)

Jami said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!! It is so much fun to see what is happening in everybody's everyday life. And you can keep up on your journaling. I am so glad you started a blog!!! Happy Birthday Andrew!!!! I can't believe you are going to be 12 already.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. You may need to help me get mine going. I tried months ago and never did anything with it. You're awesome, Michelle!