Michelle's Crazy World

Welcome to my crazy life as a Lover, Mother, and Friend of my huge family.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Our Thanksgiving was fun and enjoyable this year. I cheated and instead of making rolls all morning I did Rhodes. It was soo relaxing. Jeff and Andrew went to the Annual Ward Turkey Bowl and their team won!! Andrew had so much fun he can't wait until next year to play again. I sat in my pajama's all morning, stayed in bed till 9:00 and made breakfast for the kids. We then went to Jeff's mom and Dad's house for dinner at 2:00. Everything was so delicious. I even challenged my nephew Derek to guitar hero where he totally kicked my but. What was I thinking. but I came back and beat Andrew so it was worth it. We then went to my mom and dad's for Dessert. The pies were so yummy. I made a Banana Cream Cheesecake it was so good. Anything besides pumpkin pie is mine and Jeff's motto. We went to a movie Friday with the adults in my family and saw Four Christmas's It was Hilarious!!! It got me even more excited for the season. We spent the rest of the day Yesterday putting up more Christmas decorations in our yard. I will have to take a pic when we are done and post it for all of you to see. Well gotta go finish decorating the house.


Julie said...

I wanted to see that movie. I am glad it was good. I say if you can cheat go for it on the rolls! I am glad your day was good.

The Brownings said...

You definitely need to post pics of your lights! Every year-you guys add a new decoration and it is so much fun! Jase gets so excited every time we drive home at night or he looks out the window when it's dark-he loves the lights! Your house reminds me of the Griswalds on National Lampoons X-mas Vacation! I just love it!!!
Glad you had a great thanksgiving :>