Michelle's Crazy World

Welcome to my crazy life as a Lover, Mother, and Friend of my huge family.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tribute To Grandma Great

Yesterday we spent the day honoring one of the most loving and caring ladies I have been privelaged to know. Jeff's grandma passed away the day after Thanksgiving and her funeral was held yesterday. At 91 she was in a lot of pain for the past couple of years and even though it was hard to have her leave us I know she is now free from all the pain and loving life being reunited with her hubby. The funeral was beautiful and everyone did a wonderful job with their talks. All of us grandkids and the great grandkids sang 3 songs at her funeral. It was so hard to get through all 3 songs. You could definately feel her spirit through the whole thing. We love you tons grandma and are so greatful to have you in our lives. It was so fun to have the whole family together. Jeff's sister Jill and her family came from California and we spent the whole day with them. The kids loved playing with their cousins and can't wait to see them again. We love you Jill and Kelby and kids and miss you all the time. Ciarra cried on the way home cause she can't see her friend any more so we might have to purchase a web camera so they can still see each other until we can make it out there next year.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I am sorry for your loss. I hope you guys are all doing good. We missed you at the ward party! You guys always add a lot to any party.