Michelle's Crazy World

Welcome to my crazy life as a Lover, Mother, and Friend of my huge family.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend Happening's

This Saturday was sooo busy!!! Andrew got the opportunity for scouts to go to the Salvation Army and help them box up Christmas presents for those in need. He didn't want to go all week he kept complaining but he went any way. He left at 8:30 and didn't get home until 1:30. He had so much fun. He said he got to shop for the kid's and pack up their stuff in the wharehouse. He said it was a really good experience to do service for others. I am so proud of him and the changes he is making each day. As he is getting older we butt heads alot my little baby boy who always loved to cuddle and hang out with me is growing up and he is fine with it but I think deep down I'm not! We have always been really close and he tells me everything and now that he is in Jr High I feel like he will slip away from me and not like me any more. To me he will always be my little blue eyed boy. We also this weekend got to go to the VA Hospital and have Christmas lunch with my Grandpa Crawford who has had Ahlsteimers for years and even though he doesn't talk to us anymore or recognize us you still feel those little glimpses he gives you like he knows you from somewhere but can't place it. He was so cute with Ciarra we took him back to his room and she leaned in to kiss his cheek and told him Merry Christmas and he put his lips in the air and started making kissing noises. So she kissed him on the lips. It was soo cute. I haven't seen him do that in a long time. He also would not let go of my hand he wanted my watch and was not going to give me my hand back until he got it. I even got a smile and a kiss out of him also. It was the funnest experience I have had with him up there in the last 5 years. I wish Andrew would have came with us though he was so tired from the Salvation Army that he wanted to stay home by himself. We were able to get a family picture with Grandpa and Grandma cause who knows how much longer he will be here. I guess I will have to just photo shop him in. With Jeff's grandma dying it's the little things that I miss. I wish I would have gotten one last picture of my kids with her.

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